Road_1line256HV one white stripe on the right Road_1line256HV128 Road_2line256HV one white stripe on the right Road_2line256HV128 Road_blank256HV blank Road_blank256HV128 Road_cross256HV crossing (NO 256 found) Road_cross256HV128 Road_yellowline256HV one yellow line on the left Road_1line256HV suburb1 generic Road_1line256HV128 generic Road_2line256HV generic Road_2line256HV128 generic Road_blank256HV generic Road_blank256HV128 Road_cross256HV comlod2 generic Road_cross256HV128 Road_yellowline256HV suburb1 generic Pave01_128 generic Pave02_128 generic Pave03_128 generic Pave04_128 generic Paveroad_tarmac128 inditaly1 indredlitblk1b italyeast italymisc generic cliffnew_grass_128 suburb1 generic dirt64b_grass subrub1 generic Grass_64HV generic Grass_128HV indust1 indust2 suburb1 generic Grass_dirt_64HV indust1 generic Grass_dirtb_64HV generic grasscorner_64HV generic sawmillground